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A0 to Projector File Conversion

A0 to Projector File Conversion


In the "Quantity", please enter the number of pattern files required to be converted to Projector format.


Please email the pattern(s) at

Pattern files should be unlocked for this conversion- There should be NO "lock" emoji or "SECURED" in the file title.

1. Provide your email address to send you the converted Projector PDF pattern files.

2. Add the number of files in the "Quantity" box.

3. Once purchased, send the files at with your order number.

4. Pattern files will be sent to you at the provided email address in 3-5 business days. 

If pattern has same line types, meaning every size has same line type, then files cannot be converted into a layered one. It would be a projector file with all sizes on a single layer.

Please feel free to reach out for any questions! 

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